Robotics: Estimation and learning

August 16, 2016

Course Link: One of the course of Robotics in Coursera from the University of Pennsylvania. It is helpful to learn the classical algorithm of robotics.

Here are some course notes in Chinese collected from Zhihu. These notes introduce algorithm in a little more detail than course.

However, the code in these notes has bug and even can not run normally, which are no worthy of learning. The code in my GitHub pass all homeworks.

  1. Gaussian Model Learning: 从高斯分布、机器人误差、EM 算法到小球检测
  2. Bayesian Estimation - Target Tracking: 目标追踪之卡尔曼滤波
  3. Mapping: 占据栅格地图(Occupancy Grid Map)
  4. Bayesian Estimation - Localization: 蒙特卡罗定位(Particle Filter Localization)

Solution to Raspberry Pi ROS rivz Core Dumped

September 18, 2016
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